Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

Pupil Premium Allocation

Pupil Premium Report 2015 - 2016


The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Coalition Government in April 2011 to provide additional support for looked after children and those from low income families. The extra funding is made available to schools to help them narrow the attainment gap that still exists between pupils from disadvantaged and more affluent backgrounds.

The vast majority of our Pupil Premium funding is spent on Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) to deliver additional interventions to pupils. Crucially, these interventions concentrate on the core areas ofEnglish and Maths to close gaps in basic skills.
We use the following intervention strategies:

  • Early Bird sessions
  • late Owl sessions
  • Better Reading Partnership (BRP);
  • Sounds Write;
  • Linking Letters and Sounds;
  • Wellington Square;
  • Numcion;
  • Mathletics.

Funding has also been used, in the form of a Learning Mentor, to provide well-targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families where these are barriers to a pupil?s learning.
We have also used funding to fund Breakfast Club places and School Trips.


  1. Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils;
  2. The funding will be used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers;
  3. As far as its powers allow, the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupil Premium and others;
  4. We will ensure that the additional funding reaches the pupils who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education and lives.


The Head Teacher and Leadership Team will regularly and rigorously monitor, evaluate and review the strategies we have put in place for Pupil Premium and report to the governing body on its progress and impact.


Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2015-2016

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received

Total number of pupils on roll


Total numbers of pupils eligible for PPG
(January 2015 Census)


Amount of PPG received per pupil


Total amount of PPG received



Disadvantaged Pupils- Looked After Children (LAC)

Total numbers of pupils eligible for LAC Premium
(January 2015 Census)


Amount of PPG received per pupil


Total amount of PPG received



Children Adopted From Care

Total numbers of pupils eligible for LAC Premium
(January 2015 Census)


Amount of PPG received per pupil


Total amount of PPG received



Service Child Premium

Total numbers of pupils eligible for Service Child Premium (SCP)
(January 2015 Census)


Amount of SCP received per pupil


Total amount of PPG received



Key Stage 1 performance of disadvantaged pupils 2014-15

Note: each pupil is worth 11%

Disadvantaged Others
% of pupils making expected progress in Reading 78% 79%

% of pupils making expected progress in Writing

89% 89%

% of pupils making expected progress in Maths

100% 85%


Key Stage 2 performance of disadvantaged pupils 2014-15

Note: each pupil is worth 11%

Disadvantaged Others
% of pupils making expected progress in Reading 78% 85%

% of pupils making expected progress in Writing

89% 95%

% of pupils making expected progress in Maths

67% 100%


Record of PPG spending by item/project




Late Owls - Support Staff KS1
Targeted 1:1, to 1:3 Numicon
and English intervention in KS1

£96.60 x 4 support staff
x 10 weeks


To improve the progress of disadvantaged pupils in KS1

Early Birds/Late Owls - Support Staff KS2
Targeted small group work
Read, Write Inc., Maths Basic Skills, Writing

£96.60 x 3 support staff
x 10 weeks


To improve the progress of disadvantaged pupils in KS2
Late Owls - Teachers
Targeted small group work in KS1
Basic Skills in Writing and Maths

£25.00 per hour x 2 staff
x 2 a week x 10 weeks


To improve the progress of disadvantaged pupils in KS1
Late Owls - Teachers
Targeted small group work in KS2
Basic Skills in Writing and Maths

£25.00 per hour x 4 staff
x 2 a week x 10 weeks


To improve the progress of disadvantaged pupils in KS2
Employment of Learning Mentor £22,494
To provide social and emotional intervention and support for Pupil Premium pupils and parents.
Subsiding cost of the Y6 residential visit to Lockerbie Manor £2,715
To enable all pupils to access the Y6 residential visit.
Subsiding the cost of school visits £600
To enable all pupils to access enrichment activities.

?Every Day Counts? Visits

£30 x 6


To ensure that pupil premium pupils are not disadvantaged by low attendance.
Breakfast Club Places

£78 per year x 5


To ensure that pupil premium pupils are not disadvantaged by lateness.

Milk Subsidy

£34 x 10 pupils4


To encourage pupil premium to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Deputy Head
Y6 Intervention



To close gaps in progress, and consequently attainment for identified groups of pupils.

SEND Co-ordinator
Y3 Intervention




To close gaps in progress, and consequently attainment for identified groups of pupils.


Total PPG received


Total PPG expenditure


PPG remaining




The school has looked carefully at the needs of each pupil and we decided to use the following intervention strategies:

  • Providing small group work for pupils entitled to PP funding with experienced Learning Supports Assistants (LSAs) focussed on overcoming gaps in learning to help them make improved progress and to raise their standards of achievement;
  • 1:1 support for pupils entitled to PP funding to help them make improved progress and to raise their standards of achievement;
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities for pupils entitled to PP funding provided through trained LSAs or external agencies to help them make improved progress and to raise their standards of achievement;
  • Acquiring effective materials for pupils entitled to PP funding aimed at raising standards, particularly in reading and mathematics.
  • All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress moving pupils entitled to PP funding to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in Literacy and Numeracy
  • Pupil premium resources may also be used to target able pupils entitled to PP funding to achieve L3 at the end of KS1 or L5 at the end of KS2
  • Fund additional curriculum opportunities and educational trips.





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